Россия занимает 1 место в мире#по запасам олова, цинка, титана, ниобия В 2014 году в России# открыто более 200 новых заводов и фабрик В 2016 году на Марс отправят# марсоход, изготовленный в России Россия экспортирует#49 тыс. тонн стали в день Россия занимает первое место в мире#по открытию химических элементов в XXI веке
Russia ranks first in the fieldof explored reserves of tin, zinc, titanium, niobium
In 2014 over 200 new factorieswere opened in Russia
In 2016 a Russian-made Mars roverwill be sent to the Mars
Russia exports49 thousand tons of steel per day
Russia leads inchemical elements discovery in XXI century

Our Partners

Zollern Vtormet Трубопроводные системы и технологии Техэнерго Пневмакс МСС-КИП Меларис Kieselmann GEMU ССТ Bosh БФИ Инжиниринг

We represent interests of the biggest producers in the industry



We can purchase and deliver products of the Russian and the CIS producers to the European Union


Export of metal industry products in Russia amounts to 40 bln. dollars. Amongst them are ferrous and nonferrous metals, as well as metal products. Russia supplies 5-5,5% of the world market with the ferrous metal products which prime cost is kept at law level. Last year export of metal products exceeded 30 bln. dollars. Russia is the world leader in terms of export of such commodities as titanium, nickel, aluminum.


Export of engineering products from Russia is one of the most important and promising articles for the Russian export. In the first half of 2013 export of engineering products from Russia amounted to 13,0 bln $, what was equal to 5,1% from total exports of goods from Russia for the same period. Important foreign trade partners of the Russian engineering companies are the companies from the CIS, India, Iran, China and South Korea.

Chemical industry

Chemical industry. Russia exports up to 40% of chemical products. Export of potash and phosphorous fertilizers, caprolactam, xylol and other chemicals exceeds 80%. The main markets for the Russian products are the CIS, EU and the Asia-Pacific Region. They account for 80% of the whole export.





Äyritie 4 C 01510 Vantaa


Kommunalny proezd 30, Khimki, Moscow region,141400

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