"Precious Cargo was Delivered with Maximum Care
Russian powder metallurgy factory is known all over the world as a producer of chrome, molybdenum and tungsten which are used in aviation, cosmonautics, medicine and oil production. The factory products are used for making solar cells, medical instruments, equipment for atomic power stations, diamonds, tablet computers and spaceships.
The first joint cargo sent by ACEX Group, the partner of RusEuroTrade, for the factory was tungsten crucibles. They were transported to China by air and then by truck. The material is very fragile and unique. Owing to the fact that tungsten melting temperature measures 3380 ℃ the tungsten crucibles are widely applied for growing sapphires, quartz, rubies and other rare earth metals.
“After transportation the customer was satisfied with the quality and speed of services. Not without vanity I would say that our experts helped the client to solve existing problems and the first transportation was successfully executed. “New “precious” cargo is on the way”, says Yevgeny Rastopchin, sales manager, RusEuroTrade.
The next precious cargo of 3,5 tons with electrolytic chrome, which is unique for its purity, was sent in the end of December by air from Moscow to Asia (from Domodedovo to Beijing, Taipei, Tianjin (China), Tokyo (Japan)). Production of powder metallurgy is applied in more than 20 industries including: aerospace, mineral, medicine, solar power engineering, diamond synthesis, etc. Chrome is used to produce electronic components, broadside displays, instruments, watch cases, household appliances, as well as to tone glass, car and motorcycle components.
“Such cargo that is sensitive to dynamic impact is a subject to careful handling,” comments Vladimir Tsyntsar, chief expert of airfreight department, “It is forbidden to turn the goods upside down, the boxes are equipped with special shock watches in order to provide cargo safety. We did our best and were overly cautious about this delivery”.
ACEX Group, a transport member of RusEuroTrade, is specialized in transportation of different cargo: general, dangerous, demanding phytosanitary control, sensitive for dynamic impact. The company has been engaged in transportation of fragile cargo for over 20 years delivering lasers, fragile metal, nanotechnology applied in medicine and electronics.