Chemical industry
Russia exports up to 40% of chemical products. Export of potash and phosphorous fertilizers, caprolactam, xylol and other chemicals exceeds 80%. The main markets for the Russian products are the CIS, the EU and the Asia-Pacific Region. Their share accounts for 80% of the whole export.

However, inside this group there are goods which demand licensing; are subject to export quotas and different tariff regulations; double-purpose goods; goods requiring sanitary and epidemiological control and certification; quarantineable products, etc. It is hard to foresee all nuances if you do not know peculiarities of foreign legislation and regulation.
We will provide a full complex of export delivery of chemical products to the target market in the European Union, find firms or required goods abroad, present your company or your request to the chosen firms, help you to establish contacts between producers and purchasing companies. You will find proper business partners on the foreign markets, get assistance in export and import deal processing and in delivery of goods to the final recipient.
Stages of export supplying of chemical products from Russia and the CIS to the European Union:
- Search for partners for sale and cooperation abroad;
- Negotiations with foreign supplier, contract drawing up and support while its signing, control of goods delivery
- Transaction implementation: transportation, customs and insurance coverage
With the support of the chambers of commerce and industry of Finland and Russia

We arrange export deliveries of chemical products from Russia and the CIS to the European Union.
Subsectors of the chemical industry
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