Our specialists Share their Customs Experience with Exporters in Russia
Alexey Lipatov, the Head of multimodal department, gave an interview to the unified information portal the “Russian Exporters” about how to execute customs clearance with minimum labour costs and time expenditures.
Customs clearance in Russia is becoming one of the most difficult processes for Foreign Economic Activity participants. Only knowledge of nuances of customs legislation and creative approach to the problem will permit you to provide the client with a problem solution and help to save his money and time.
On the Russian logistics market customs clearance at regional terminals is applied with increasing frequency. In order to speed up export deliveries the client is suggested processing customs clearance at regional terminals. From the terminal cargo can be delivered to the airports within the shortest time (from 30 minutes to 2,5 hours). RusEuroTrade has an opportunity to cooperate with customs authorities under such framework at customs post “Terminal premier” in Lobnya. The procedure mentioned can be applied for both export and import operations.
Alexey told about internal customs transit procedure which is an inherent element for arranging customs clearance at regional posts. Also he explained how to deliver cargo according to this procedure. There are two ways: the bonded trucker can execute transportation under own security of customs payment or he can obtain a guarantee certificate and a customs receipt.
Owing to fast growth of external economic activity the internal customs transit is becoming the most demanding kind of services. RusEuroTrade specialists have regular volume of transportations executed according to internal customs transit procedure. We are always ready to find the best solution for the exporters in the sphere of external economic activity.
More information about new opportunities for customs clearance you can read HERE.
Reference information:
Unified information portal the “Russian Exporters” is managed by the Russian exporters which are the representatives of small and middle business, who are the most active representatives of the Russian industry and many of them have unique experience of survival, preservation and development of own production in complicated conditions. The companies join their resources and share own experience in order to promote Russian production on the international market.